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Try not to visit Lorca in Murcia at the moment, there was a serious 5.4 earthquake Wed afternoon, 8 people killed and lots of destruction.


One member of the Eye on Spain forum who actually lives in Lorca posted on 13th May ..

"Been in & around town today & it's not looking good at all. There was really nothing open whatsoever as they are still inspecting all the buildings. The Architects & Surveyors have a colour coding scheme for damage; Green – No danger to occupyYellow – The owners can enter to collect their valuables etc, but they may not stay as important building work is needed, or the property may be demolished Black, or in some cases Red – No entry at all because of the danger of immediate collapse.
Nearly 6 out of 10 buildings so far inspected all over town are yellow ,red or black. There's not many green at all.For those of you who have visited Lorca & entered by coming off the autovia at j591 down to the fountain roundabout & turned left into the western end of town ( La Viña ), vast areas around here are to be demolished, including 2 out of the 4 apartment blocks on the left & possibly a 3rd. The opposite side of the road fares slightly better but behind is where the 3 story block collapsed (they'll be looking at the construction of this as it wasn't that old !)
The situation is no better at the eastern end of town with many buildings marked for demolition. Of the 3 mercadonas in town none are open ( The one in La Viña is quite likely to be demolished ), the old Eroski centro comercial San Diego is closed although the car park is being used for parking & the road by the main exit , has an emergency field hospital in it. The majority of the main street is closed off . The only supermarket, apart from some smaller ones that is open is the Eroski Parque Almenara ! Where I live in Campillo , quite close to the Parque Almenara, the small village supermarket had people queuing this morning !
The Huerta de la Rueda where the Thursday market is held is an emergency centre combined with rescue workers tents & accomodation & emergency food & water supplies. There's quite a few around here that are likely to be demolished , including the Convento de religiosas Clarissas which is a building of historical importance & will obviously be rebuilt as it's a listed building .
No matter where you turned there were people taking what belongings they could carry from their apartments, those that were considered safe to enter, & loading them in cars & vans. Others could only look at buildings that are in imminent danger of collapse & no one is going to be allowed to enter & will be demolished along with everything inside. In all honesty the amount of fachadas cracked, broken , some barely hanging on to buildings in every street you looked down , makes you wonder how they are allowing anyone to be in the town at all. We helped people carrying stuff to their car but they couldn't take everything & what's left they were hoping to be allowed back for.
The scale of the damage I found was far more than I was expecting , & there's not a part of the town that does not have vast amounts of buildings marked for demolition. If this had occurred in the UK I don't think they would be allowing anyone into the whole of the town , due to H&S, it's THAT BAD! This is going to take many, many years to sort out."

then this afternoon 15th May he posted further ..

"I've just been in earlier & it's even worse than I 1st posted . I had to come back through parts I wasn't in the other day & there's no part, ,south, east west that isn't badly damaged. There is no direct access from any part of the town to any other part. mind you , on the bright side in the areas that are only superficially damaged the builders are hard at work on repairs & the building companies are delivering materials ...... on a Sunday !"

Commented blogwriter in Quesada 2011-05-15 18:14:18 UTC


Am coming out on Sunday for 10 days and heard that it's going to rain alot next week? Has the weather been not so good? Thank you!


Hi Bonnie
I also fly out Sunday for 5 days but the weather is looking ok as far as I can see, mostly sunny, fingers crossed.

Commented lynnemalkin in Quesada 2011-05-13 17:09:31 UTC

Look here its the official Spanish weather site.

Commented michael in Quesada 2011-05-15 17:52:54 UTC

Monday forecast to be great, 20-30% chance of rain for the rest of the week, sorry. Maz

Commented Maz in Quesada 2011-05-15 18:03:21 UTC



How long do they go on for and what is the cost?

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-05-15 17:19:46 UTC

Friday night out

From what I can see from the events section the place to be tonight has to be Hillside to see the rock and roll trio Shadoogie. So unless any where else puts a better bit of entertainment us 10 will be there.

La Marina

BRAND NEW to the Costa Blanca, Shadoogie are a good time band, playing the sounds of the shadows and the best of rock and roll.

Scroll down a bit and you will see the Artists that are on at Hillside this month

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-05-13 07:17:34 UTC

Well we all got there OK ordered food then POWER CUT waited for a while now starving so left and went to Rojales for Chinese. So still have not seen this trio Shadoogio, anyone know where they are apearing next???????????

Commented Daisy in La Marina 2011-05-14 09:20:59 UTC

Or even the trio called Shadoogie ha ha

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-05-14 17:49:36 UTC

Don't worry Daisy, from what I've seen you havn't missed much.

Commented Sue in La Marina 2011-05-15 15:47:21 UTC

Actually Sue, as they were doing their warming up at the beginning of the evening they sounded quite good. But that was all we heard. What a Shame.......I said Oh What a Shame he he xx

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-05-15 17:16:19 UTC

cost of living

hi, could anyone tell me what is the cost of living like compared to Spanish towns, ie. almoradi albatera. I mean for example a breakfast or a pint...???? is it more expensive??

La Marina


Mondays at 7.oopm - starts tomorrow 16th May 2011

At The Studio, Calle Pino, Quesada
Under The Club

Ring or email me for more information
693 596 533 [email protected]

Fitness Class

Mondays at 7.oopm - starts tomorrow 16th May 2011

At The Studio, Calle Pino, Quesada
Under The Club

Ring or email me for more information
693 596 533 [email protected]

Fitness Class

Mondays at 7.oopm - starts tomorrow 16th May 2011

At The Studio, Calle Pino, Quesada
Under The Club

Ring or email me for more information
693 596 533 [email protected]

Fitness Class

Mondays at 7.oopm - starts tomorrow 16th May 2011

At The Studio, Calle Pino, Quesada
Under The Club

Ring or email me for more information
693 596 533 [email protected]

Fishing boat trips

Hi! My parents are coming to spain soon, and my dad likes fishing. Does anyone know someone who does a cheap fishing boat trips to the sea? Thanks.

What else could we do around here?

Commented Liudmila in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-05-14 15:41:26 UTC

How far do you want to travel ? There is a lot of very nice places to see that are not far away but a car would help, let me know if you are going to drive and I will post some ideas for you.

Commented OverSeas Property Bureau in Quesada 2011-05-15 09:44:14 UTC

Hi, ideas would be great..I've got a car. Thank you!

Commented Liudmila in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-05-15 15:16:45 UTC
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